Source code for LiSE.engine

# This file is part of ELiDE, frontend to LiSE, a framework for life simulation games.
# Copyright (c) Zachary Spector,
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""The "engine" of LiSE is an object relational mapper with special
stores for game data and entities, as well as properties for manipulating the
flow of time.

from __future__ import annotations

import shutil
import sys
import os
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, wait
from functools import partial
from collections import defaultdict
from types import FunctionType, ModuleType, MethodType
from typing import Union, Tuple, Any, Set, List, Type, Optional
from os import PathLike
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from random import Random

from networkx import (Graph, DiGraph, spring_layout, from_dict_of_dicts,
from blinker import Signal

from .allegedb import ORM as gORM
from .allegedb import (StatDict, NodeValDict, EdgeValDict, DeltaDict, Key)
from .allegedb.window import update_window, update_backward_window
from .util import sort_set, AbstractEngine, final_rule, normalize_layout
from .xcollections import StringStore, FunctionStore, MethodStore
from .query import (Query, _make_side_sel, StatusAlias, ComparisonQuery,
					CompoundQuery, QueryResultMidTurn, QueryResult,
					QueryResultEndTurn, CombinedQueryResult)
from .character import Character
from .node import Place, Thing
from .portal import Portal
from .query import QueryEngine
from . import exc

class InnerStopIteration(StopIteration):

class DummyEntity(dict):
	"""Something to use in place of a node or edge"""
	__slots__ = ['engine']

	def __init__(self, engine: 'AbstractEngine'):
		self.engine = engine

class NextTurn(Signal):
	"""Make time move forward in the simulation.

	Calls ``advance`` repeatedly, returning a list of the rules' return values.

	I am also a ``Signal``, so you can register functions to be
	called when the simulation runs. Pass them to my ``connect``


	def __init__(self, engine: Engine):
		self.engine = engine

	def __call__(self) -> Tuple[List, DeltaDict]:
		engine = self.engine
		start_branch, start_turn, start_tick = engine._btt()
		latest_turn = engine._turns_completed[start_branch]
		if start_turn < latest_turn:
			engine.turn += 1
			return [], engine.get_delta(branch=start_branch,
		elif start_turn > latest_turn + 1:
			raise exc.RulesEngineError(
				"Can't run the rules engine on any turn but the latest")
		if start_turn == latest_turn:
			parent, turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to = engine._branches[
			engine._branches[start_branch] = (parent, turn_from, tick_from,
												engine.turn + 1, 0)
			engine.turn += 1
		results = []
		with engine.advancing():
			for res in iter(engine._advance, final_rule):
				if res:
					if isinstance(res, tuple) and res[0] == "stop":
						engine.universal['last_result'] = res
						engine.universal['last_result_idx'] = 0
						branch, turn, tick = engine._btt()
						self.send(engine, branch=branch, turn=turn, tick=tick)
						return res, engine.get_delta(branch=start_branch,
		engine._turns_completed[start_branch] = engine.turn
			discard_rules=not engine.keep_rules_journal)
		kfi = engine.keyframe_interval
		if kfi and engine.turn % kfi == 0:
		if (engine.flush_interval is not None
			and engine.turn % engine.flush_interval == 0):
		if (engine.commit_interval is not None
			and engine.turn % engine.commit_interval == 0):
		delta = engine.get_delta(branch=engine.branch,
		if results:
			engine.universal["last_result"] = results
			engine.universal["last_result_idx"] = 0
		return results, delta

class AbstractSchema(ABC):
	"""Base class for schemas describing what changes are permitted to the game world"""

	def __init__(self, engine: AbstractEngine):
		self.engine = engine

	def entity_permitted(self, entity):
		raise NotImplementedError

	def stat_permitted(self, turn, entity, key, value):
		raise NotImplementedError

class NullSchema(AbstractSchema):
	"""Schema that permits all changes to the game world"""

	def entity_permitted(self, entity):
		return True

	def stat_permitted(self, turn, entity, key, value):
		return True

[docs] class Engine(AbstractEngine, gORM): """LiSE, the Life Simulator Engine. :param prefix: directory containing the simulation and its code; defaults to the working directory. :param string: module storing strings to be used in the game; if absent, we'll use a :class:`LiSE.xcollections.StringStore` to keep them in a JSON file in the ``prefix``. :param function: module containing utility functions; if absent, we'll use a :class:`LiSE.xcollections.FunctionStore` to keep them in a .py file in the ``prefix`` :param method: module containing functions taking this engine as first arg; if absent, we'll use a :class:`LiSE.xcollections.FunctionStore` to keep them in a .py file in the ``prefix``. :param trigger: module containing trigger functions, taking a LiSE entity and returning a boolean for whether to run a rule; if absent, we'll use a :class:`LiSE.xcollections.FunctionStore` to keep them in a .py file in the ``prefix``. :param prereq: module containing prereq functions, taking a LiSE entity and returning a boolean for whether to permit a rule to run; if absent, we'll use a :class:`LiSE.xcollections.FunctionStore` to keep them in a .py file in the ``prefix``. :param action: module containing action functions, taking a LiSE entity and mutating it (and possibly the rest of the world); if absent, we'll use a :class:`LiSE.xcollections.FunctionStore` to keep them in a .py file in the ``prefix``. :param main_branch: the string name of the branch to start from. Defaults to "trunk" if not set in some prior session. You should only change this if your game generates new initial conditions for each playthrough. :param connect_string: a rfc1738 URI for a database to connect to. Leave ``None`` to use the SQLite database in the ``prefix``. :param connect_args: dictionary of keyword arguments for the database connection :param schema: a Schema class that determines which changes to allow to the world; used when a player should not be able to change just anything. Defaults to :class:`NullSchema`. :param flush_interval: LiSE will put pending changes into the database transaction every ``flush_interval`` turns. If ``None``, only flush on commit. Default ``1``. :param keyframe_interval: How many turns to pass before automatically snapping a keyframe, default ``10``. If ``None``, you'll need to call ``snap_keyframe`` yourself. :param commit_interval: LiSE will commit changes to disk every ``commit_interval`` turns. If ``None`` (the default), only commit on close or manual call to ``commit``. :param random_seed: a number to initialize the randomizer. :param logfun: an optional function taking arguments ``level, message``, which should log `message` somehow. :param clear: whether to delete *any and all* existing data and code in ``prefix`` and the database. Use with caution! :param keep_rules_journal: Boolean; if ``True`` (the default), keep information on the behavior of the rules engine in the database. Makes the database rather large, but useful for debugging. :param keyframe_on_close: Whether to snap a keyframe when closing the engine, default ``True``. This is usually what you want, as it will make future startups faster, but could cause database bloat if your game runs few turns per session. :param cache_arranger: Whether to start a background thread that indexes the caches to make time travel faster when it's to points we anticipate. If you use this, you can specify some other point in time to index by putting the ``(branch, turn, tick)`` in my ``cache_arrange_queue``. Default ``False``. :param enforce_end_of_time: Whether to raise an exception when time travelling to a point after the time that's been simulated. Default ``True``. You normally want this, but it could cause problems if you're not using the rules engine. """ char_cls = Character thing_cls = Thing place_cls = node_cls = Place portal_cls = edge_cls = Portal query_engine_cls = QueryEngine illegal_graph_names = [ 'global', 'eternal', 'universal', 'rulebooks', 'rules' ] illegal_node_names = ['nodes', 'node_val', 'edges', 'edge_val', 'things'] def __getattr__(self, item): meth = super().__getattribute__('method').__getattr__(item) return MethodType(meth, self) def __init__(self, prefix: Union[PathLike, str] = '.', *, string: Union[StringStore, dict] = None, trigger: Union[FunctionStore, ModuleType] = None, prereq: Union[FunctionStore, ModuleType] = None, action: Union[FunctionStore, ModuleType] = None, function: Union[FunctionStore, ModuleType] = None, method: Union[MethodStore, ModuleType] = None, main_branch: str = None, connect_string: str = None, connect_args: dict = None, schema_cls: Type[AbstractSchema] = NullSchema, flush_interval: Optional[int] = 1, keyframe_interval: Optional[int] = 10, commit_interval: int = None, random_seed: int = None, logfun: FunctionType = None, clear: bool = False, keep_rules_journal: bool = True, keyframe_on_close: bool = True, cache_arranger: bool = False, enforce_end_of_time: bool = True): if logfun is None: from logging import getLogger logger = getLogger("Life Sim Engine") def logfun(level, msg): getattr(logger, level)(msg) self.log = logfun self._prefix = prefix if connect_args is None: connect_args = {} if not os.path.exists(prefix): os.mkdir(prefix) if not os.path.isdir(prefix): raise FileExistsError("Need a directory") self.keep_rules_journal = keep_rules_journal self._keyframe_on_close = keyframe_on_close if string: self.string = string else: self._string_prefix = os.path.join(prefix, 'strings') if clear and os.path.isdir(self._string_prefix): shutil.rmtree(self._string_prefix) if not os.path.exists(self._string_prefix): os.mkdir(self._string_prefix) if function: self.function = function else: self._function_file = os.path.join(prefix, '') if clear and os.path.exists(self._function_file): os.remove(self._function_file) if method: self.method = method else: self._method_file = os.path.join(prefix, '') if clear and os.path.exists(self._method_file): os.remove(self._method_file) if trigger: self.trigger = trigger else: self._trigger_file = os.path.join(prefix, '') if clear and os.path.exists(self._trigger_file): os.remove(self._trigger_file) if prereq: self.prereq = prereq else: self._prereq_file = os.path.join(prefix, '') if clear and os.path.exists(self._prereq_file): os.remove(self._prereq_file) if action: self.action = action else: self._action_file = os.path.join(prefix, '') if clear and os.path.exists(self._action_file): os.remove(self._action_file) self.schema = schema_cls(self) if connect_string: connect_string = connect_string.split('sqlite:///')[-1] super().__init__(connect_string or os.path.join(prefix, 'world.db'), clear=clear, connect_args=connect_args, cache_arranger=cache_arranger, main_branch=main_branch, enforce_end_of_time=enforce_end_of_time) self._things_cache.setdb = self.query.set_thing_loc self._universal_cache.setdb = self.query.universal_set self._rulebooks_cache.setdb = self.query.rulebook_set self.eternal = self.query.globl if hasattr(self, '_string_prefix'): self.string = StringStore( self.query, self._string_prefix, self.eternal.setdefault('language', 'eng')) self.next_turn = NextTurn(self) self.commit_interval = commit_interval self.keyframe_interval = keyframe_interval self.flush_interval = flush_interval self._trigger_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor() self._rules_iter = self._follow_rules() self._rando = Random() if 'rando_state' in self.universal: self._rando.setstate(self.universal['rando_state']) else: self._rando.seed(random_seed) rando_state = self._rando.getstate() if self._oturn == self._otick == 0:'rando_state', self.branch, 0, 0, rando_state, loading=True) self.query.universal_set('rando_state', self.branch, 0, 0, rando_state) else: self.universal['rando_state'] = rando_state if hasattr(self.method, 'init'): self.method.init(self) if cache_arranger: self._start_cache_arranger() def _start_cache_arranger(self) -> None: for branch, (parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn_end, tick_end) in self._branches.items(): self.cache_arrange_queue.put((branch, turn_start, tick_start)) if (turn_start, tick_start) != (turn_end, tick_end): self.cache_arrange_queue.put((branch, turn_end, tick_end)) if not self._cache_arrange_thread.is_alive(): self._cache_arrange_thread.start() def _init_load(self) -> None: from .rule import Rule q = self.query super()._init_load() self._unitness_cache.load(q.units_dump()) self._universal_cache.load(q.universals_dump()) self._rulebooks_cache.load(q.rulebooks_dump()) self._characters_rulebooks_cache.load(q.character_rulebook_dump()) self._units_rulebooks_cache.load(q.unit_rulebook_dump()) self._characters_things_rulebooks_cache.load( q.character_thing_rulebook_dump()) self._characters_places_rulebooks_cache.load( q.character_place_rulebook_dump()) self._characters_portals_rulebooks_cache.load( q.character_portal_rulebook_dump()) self._nodes_rulebooks_cache.load(q.node_rulebook_dump()) self._portals_rulebooks_cache.load(q.portal_rulebook_dump()) self._triggers_cache.load(q.rule_triggers_dump()) self._prereqs_cache.load(q.rule_prereqs_dump()) self._actions_cache.load(q.rule_actions_dump()) store_crh = for row in q.character_rules_handled_dump(): store_crh(*row, loading=True) store_arh = for row in q.unit_rules_handled_dump(): store_arh(*row, loading=True) store_ctrh = for row in q.character_thing_rules_handled_dump(): store_ctrh(*row, loading=True) store_cprh = for row in q.character_place_rules_handled_dump(): store_cprh(*row, loading=True) store_cporh = for row in q.character_portal_rules_handled_dump(): store_cporh(*row, loading=True) store_cnrh = for row in q.node_rules_handled_dump(): store_cnrh(*row, loading=True) store_porh = for row in q.portal_rules_handled_dump(): store_porh(*row, loading=True) self._turns_completed.update(q.turns_completed_dump()) self._rules_cache = { name: Rule(self, name, create=False) for name in q.rules_dump() } def _load_at(self, branch: str, turn: int, tick: int) -> None: (latest_past_keyframe, earliest_future_keyframe, keyframed, noderows, edgerows, graphvalrows, nodevalrows, edgevalrows) = super()._load_at(branch, turn, tick) thingrows = [] updload = self._updload def build_thingrows(graf, windows): if not windows: return if len(windows) == 1: btt = windows[0] thingrows.extend(load_things(graf, *btt)) return for window in reversed(windows): thingrows.extend(load_things(graf, *window)) load_things = self.query.load_things if latest_past_keyframe is None: # Load thing data from the beginning of time to now for graph in self.graph: build_thingrows( graph, self._build_loading_windows(self.eternal["main_branch"], 0, 0, branch, turn, tick)) else: past_branch, past_turn, past_tick = latest_past_keyframe if earliest_future_keyframe is None: # Load thing data from the keyframe to now for graph in self.graph: build_thingrows( graph, self._build_loading_windows(past_branch, past_turn, past_tick, branch, turn, tick)) else: # Load thing data between the two keyframes (future_branch, future_turn, future_tick) = earliest_future_keyframe for graph in self.graph: build_thingrows( graph, self._build_loading_windows(past_branch, past_turn, past_tick, future_branch, future_turn, future_tick)) if thingrows: with self.batch(): self._things_cache.load(thingrows) for chara, branch, turn, tick, thing, loc in thingrows: updload(branch, turn, tick) else: self.debug(f"No thing data at {branch, turn, tick}") def _init_caches(self) -> None: from .xcollections import (FunctionStore, CharacterMapping, UniversalMapping) from .cache import ( NodeContentsCache, InitializedCache, InitializedEntitylessCache, UnitnessCache, UnitRulesHandledCache, CharacterThingRulesHandledCache, CharacterPlaceRulesHandledCache, CharacterPortalRulesHandledCache, NodeRulesHandledCache, PortalRulesHandledCache, CharacterRulesHandledCache, ThingsCache) from .allegedb.cache import EntitylessCache from .rule import AllRuleBooks, AllRules super()._init_caches() self._things_cache = ThingsCache(self) self._node_contents_cache = NodeContentsCache(self) self.character = self.graph = CharacterMapping(self) self._universal_cache = EntitylessCache(self) = 'universal_cache' self._rulebooks_cache = InitializedEntitylessCache(self) = 'rulebooks_cache' self._characters_rulebooks_cache = InitializedEntitylessCache(self) = 'characters_rulebooks_cache' self._units_rulebooks_cache = InitializedEntitylessCache(self) = 'units_rulebooks_cache' ctrc = InitializedEntitylessCache(self) = 'characters_things_rulebooks_cache' self._characters_things_rulebooks_cache = ctrc cprc = InitializedEntitylessCache(self) = 'characters_places_rulebooks_cache' self._characters_places_rulebooks_cache = cprc cporc = InitializedEntitylessCache(self) = 'characters_portals_rulebooks_cache' self._characters_portals_rulebooks_cache = cporc self._nodes_rulebooks_cache = InitializedCache(self) = 'nodes_rulebooks_cache' self._portals_rulebooks_cache = InitializedCache(self) = 'portals_rulebooks_cache' self._triggers_cache = InitializedEntitylessCache(self) = 'triggers_cache' self._prereqs_cache = InitializedEntitylessCache(self) = 'prereqs_cache' self._actions_cache = InitializedEntitylessCache(self) = 'actions_cache' self._node_rules_handled_cache = NodeRulesHandledCache(self) = 'node_rules_handled_cache' self._portal_rules_handled_cache = PortalRulesHandledCache(self) = 'portal_rules_handled_cache' crhc = CharacterRulesHandledCache(self) = 'character_rules_handled_cache' self._character_rules_handled_cache = crhc self._unit_rules_handled_cache = UnitRulesHandledCache(self) = 'unit_rules_handled_cache' ctrhc = CharacterThingRulesHandledCache(self) = 'character_thing_rules_handled_cache' self._character_thing_rules_handled_cache = ctrhc cprhc = CharacterPlaceRulesHandledCache(self) = 'character_place_rules_handled_cache' self._character_place_rules_handled_cache = cprhc cporhc = CharacterPortalRulesHandledCache(self) = 'character_portal_rules_handled_cache' self._character_portal_rules_handled_cache = cporhc self._unitness_cache = UnitnessCache(self) = 'unitness_cache' self._turns_completed = defaultdict(lambda: max((0, self.turn - 1))) self._turns_completed_previous = self._turns_completed.copy() """The last turn when the rules engine ran in each branch""" self.universal = UniversalMapping(self) if hasattr(self, '_action_file'): self.action = FunctionStore(self._action_file) if hasattr(self, '_prereq_file'): self.prereq = FunctionStore(self._prereq_file) if hasattr(self, '_trigger_file'): self.trigger = FunctionStore(self._trigger_file) if hasattr(self, '_function_file'): self.function = FunctionStore(self._function_file) if hasattr(self, '_method_file'): self.method = FunctionStore(self._method_file) self.rule = AllRules(self) self.rulebook = AllRuleBooks(self) self._char_caches = self._caches + [self._things_cache] def _load_graphs(self) -> None: for charn, branch, turn, tick, typ in self.query.characters():, branch, turn, tick, typ) self._graph_objs[charn] = self.char_cls(self, charn, init_rulebooks=False) def _make_node(self, graph: Character, node: Key) -> Union[thing_cls, place_cls]: if self._is_thing(, node): return self.thing_cls(graph, node) else: return self.place_cls(graph, node) def _make_edge(self, graph: Character, orig: Union[thing_cls, place_cls], dest: Union[thing_cls, place_cls], idx=0) -> portal_cls: return self.portal_cls(graph, orig, dest)
[docs] def get_delta(self, branch: str, turn_from: int, tick_from: int, turn_to: int, tick_to: int) -> DeltaDict: """Get a dictionary describing changes to the world. Most keys will be character names, and their values will be dictionaries of the character's stats' new values, with ``None`` for deleted keys. Characters' dictionaries have special keys 'nodes' and 'edges' which contain booleans indicating whether the node or edge exists at the moment, and 'node_val' and 'edge_val' for the stats of those entities. For edges (also called portals) these dictionaries are two layers deep, keyed first by the origin, then by the destination. Characters also have special keys for the various rulebooks they have: * ``'character_rulebook'`` * ``'unit_rulebook'`` * ``'character_thing_rulebook'`` * ``'character_place_rulebook'`` * ``'character_portal_rulebook'`` And each node and edge may have a 'rulebook' stat of its own. If a node is a thing, it gets a 'location'; when the 'location' is deleted, that means it's back to being a place. Keys at the top level that are not character names: * ``'rulebooks'``, a dictionary keyed by the name of each changed rulebook, the value being a list of rule names * ``'rules'``, a dictionary keyed by the name of each changed rule, containing any of the lists ``'triggers'``, ``'prereqs'``, and ``'actions'`` """ if not isinstance(branch, str): raise TypeError("branch must be str") for arg in (turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to): if not isinstance(arg, int): raise TypeError("turn and tick must be int") if turn_from == turn_to: return self._get_turn_delta(branch, turn_to, tick_to, start_tick=tick_from) delta = super().get_delta(branch, turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to) if turn_from < turn_to: updater = partial(update_window, turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to) attribute = 'settings' tick_to += 1 else: updater = partial(update_backward_window, turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to) attribute = 'presettings' univbranches = getattr(self._universal_cache, attribute) avbranches = getattr(self._unitness_cache, attribute) thbranches = getattr(self._things_cache, attribute) rbbranches = getattr(self._rulebooks_cache, attribute) trigbranches = getattr(self._triggers_cache, attribute) preqbranches = getattr(self._prereqs_cache, attribute) actbranches = getattr(self._actions_cache, attribute) charrbbranches = getattr(self._characters_rulebooks_cache, attribute) avrbbranches = getattr(self._units_rulebooks_cache, attribute) charthrbbranches = getattr(self._characters_things_rulebooks_cache, attribute) charplrbbranches = getattr(self._characters_places_rulebooks_cache, attribute) charporbbranches = getattr(self._characters_portals_rulebooks_cache, attribute) noderbbranches = getattr(self._nodes_rulebooks_cache, attribute) edgerbbranches = getattr(self._portals_rulebooks_cache, attribute) def upduniv(_, key, val): delta.setdefault('universal', {})[key] = val if branch in univbranches: updater(upduniv, univbranches[branch]) def updav(char, graph, node, av): delta.setdefault(char, {}).setdefault('units', {}).setdefault( graph, {})[node] = bool(av) if branch in avbranches: updater(updav, avbranches[branch]) def updthing(char, thing, loc): if (char in delta and 'nodes' in delta[char] and thing in delta[char]['nodes'] and not delta[char]['nodes'][thing]): return thingd = delta.setdefault(char, {}).setdefault('node_val', {}).setdefault( thing, {}) thingd['location'] = loc if branch in thbranches: updater(updthing, thbranches[branch]) def updrb(_, rulebook, rules): delta.setdefault('rulebooks', {})[rulebook] = rules if branch in rbbranches: updater(updrb, rbbranches[branch]) def updru(key, _, rule, funs): delta.setdefault('rules', {}).setdefault(rule, {})[key] = funs if branch in trigbranches: updater(partial(updru, 'triggers'), trigbranches[branch]) if branch in preqbranches: updater(partial(updru, 'prereqs'), preqbranches[branch]) if branch in actbranches: updater(partial(updru, 'actions'), actbranches[branch]) def updcrb(key, _, character, rulebook): delta.setdefault(character, {})[key] = rulebook if branch in charrbbranches: updater(partial(updcrb, 'character_rulebook'), charrbbranches[branch]) if branch in avrbbranches: updater(partial(updcrb, 'unit_rulebook'), avrbbranches[branch]) if branch in charthrbbranches: updater(partial(updcrb, 'character_thing_rulebook'), charthrbbranches[branch]) if branch in charplrbbranches: updater(partial(updcrb, 'character_place_rulebook'), charplrbbranches[branch]) if branch in charporbbranches: updater(partial(updcrb, 'character_portal_rulebook'), charporbbranches[branch]) def updnoderb(character, node, rulebook): if (character in delta and 'nodes' in delta[character] and node in delta[character]['nodes'] and not delta[character]['nodes'][node]): return delta.setdefault(character, {}).setdefault('node_val', {}).setdefault( node, {})['rulebook'] = rulebook if branch in noderbbranches: updater(updnoderb, noderbbranches[branch]) def updedgerb(character, orig, dest, rulebook): if (character in delta and 'edges' in delta[character] and orig in delta[character]['edges'] and dest in delta[character]['edges'][orig] and not delta[character]['edges'][orig][dest]): return delta.setdefault(character, {}).setdefault('edge_val', {}).setdefault( orig, {}).setdefault(dest, {})['rulebook'] = rulebook if branch in edgerbbranches: updater(updedgerb, edgerbbranches[branch]) return delta
def _get_turn_delta(self, branch: str = None, turn: int = None, tick: int = None, start_tick=0) -> DeltaDict: """Get a dictionary of changes to the world within a given turn Defaults to the present turn, and stops at the present tick unless specified. See the documentation for ``get_delta`` for a detailed description of the delta format. :arg branch: branch of history, defaulting to the present branch :arg turn: turn within the branch, defaulting to the present turn :arg tick: tick at which to stop the delta, defaulting to the present tick :arg start_tick: tick at which to start the delta, default 0 """ branch = branch or self.branch turn = turn or self.turn tick = tick or self.tick if tick == start_tick: return {} delta = super()._get_turn_delta(branch, turn, start_tick, tick) if start_tick < tick: attribute = 'settings' tick += 1 else: attribute = 'presettings' avatarness_settings = getattr(self._unitness_cache, attribute) things_settings = getattr(self._things_cache, attribute) rulebooks_settings = getattr(self._rulebooks_cache, attribute) triggers_settings = getattr(self._triggers_cache, attribute) prereqs_settings = getattr(self._prereqs_cache, attribute) actions_settings = getattr(self._actions_cache, attribute) character_rulebooks_settings = getattr( self._characters_rulebooks_cache, attribute) avatar_rulebooks_settings = getattr(self._units_rulebooks_cache, attribute) character_thing_rulebooks_settings = getattr( self._characters_things_rulebooks_cache, attribute) character_place_rulebooks_settings = getattr( self._characters_places_rulebooks_cache, attribute) character_portal_rulebooks_settings = getattr( self._characters_portals_rulebooks_cache, attribute) node_rulebooks_settings = getattr(self._nodes_rulebooks_cache, attribute) portal_rulebooks_settings = getattr(self._portals_rulebooks_cache, attribute) if branch in avatarness_settings and turn in avatarness_settings[ branch]: for chara, graph, node, is_av in avatarness_settings[branch][turn][ start_tick:tick]: delta.setdefault(chara, {}).setdefault('units', {}).setdefault( graph, {})[node] = is_av if branch in things_settings and turn in things_settings[branch]: for chara, thing, location in things_settings[branch][turn][ start_tick:tick]: thingd = delta.setdefault(chara, {}).setdefault( 'node_val', {}).setdefault(thing, {}) thingd['location'] = location delta['rulebooks'] = rbdif = {} if branch in rulebooks_settings and turn in rulebooks_settings[branch]: for _, rulebook, rules in rulebooks_settings[branch][turn][ start_tick:tick]: rbdif[rulebook] = rules delta['rules'] = rdif = {} if branch in triggers_settings and turn in triggers_settings[branch]: for _, rule, funs in triggers_settings[branch][turn][ start_tick:tick]: rdif.setdefault(rule, {})['triggers'] = funs if branch in prereqs_settings and turn in prereqs_settings[branch]: for _, rule, funs in prereqs_settings[branch][turn][ start_tick:tick]: rdif.setdefault(rule, {})['prereqs'] = funs if branch in actions_settings and turn in actions_settings[branch]: for _, rule, funs in actions_settings[branch][turn][ start_tick:tick]: rdif.setdefault(rule, {})['actions'] = funs if (branch in character_rulebooks_settings and turn in character_rulebooks_settings[branch]): for _, character, rulebook in character_rulebooks_settings[branch][ turn][start_tick:tick]: delta.setdefault(character, {})['character_rulebook'] = rulebook if (branch in avatar_rulebooks_settings and turn in avatar_rulebooks_settings[branch]): for _, character, rulebook in avatar_rulebooks_settings[branch][ turn][start_tick:tick]: delta.setdefault(character, {})['unit_rulebook'] = rulebook if (branch in character_thing_rulebooks_settings and turn in character_thing_rulebooks_settings[branch]): for _, character, rulebook in character_thing_rulebooks_settings[ branch][turn][start_tick:tick]: delta.setdefault(character, {})['character_thing_rulebook'] = rulebook if (branch in character_place_rulebooks_settings and turn in character_place_rulebooks_settings[branch]): for _, character, rulebook in character_place_rulebooks_settings[ branch][turn][start_tick:tick]: delta.setdefault(character, {})['character_place_rulebook'] = rulebook if (branch in character_portal_rulebooks_settings and turn in character_portal_rulebooks_settings[branch]): for _, character, rulebook in character_portal_rulebooks_settings[ branch][turn][start_tick:tick]: delta.setdefault(character, {})['character_portal_rulebook'] = rulebook if (branch in node_rulebooks_settings and turn in node_rulebooks_settings[branch]): for character, node, rulebook in node_rulebooks_settings[branch][ turn][start_tick:tick]: delta.setdefault(character, {}).setdefault('node_val', {}).setdefault( node, {})['rulebook'] = rulebook if (branch in portal_rulebooks_settings and turn in portal_rulebooks_settings[branch]): for character, orig, dest, rulebook in portal_rulebooks_settings[ branch][turn][start_tick:tick]: delta.setdefault(character, {}).setdefault( 'edge_val', {}).setdefault(orig, {}).setdefault(dest, {})['rulebook'] = rulebook return delta def _del_rulebook(self, rulebook): raise NotImplementedError("Can't delete rulebooks yet") def _remember_unitness(self, character: Character, graph: Character, node: Union[thing_cls, place_cls], is_unit=True, branch: str = None, turn: int = None, tick: int = None) -> None: """Use this to record a change in unitness. Should be called whenever a node that wasn't an unit of a character now is, and whenever a node that was an unit of a character now isn't. ``character`` is the one using the node as an unit, ``graph`` is the character the node is in. """ branch = branch or self.branch turn = turn or self.turn tick = tick or self.tick, graph, node, branch, turn, tick, is_unit) self.query.unit_set(character, graph, node, branch, turn, tick, is_unit) @property def stores(self): return (self.action, self.prereq, self.trigger, self.function, self.method, self.string) def debug(self, msg: str) -> None: """Log a message at level 'debug'""" self.log('debug', msg) def info(self, msg: str) -> None: """Log a message at level 'info'""" self.log('info', msg) def warning(self, msg: str) -> None: """Log a message at level 'warning'""" self.log('warning', msg) def error(self, msg: str) -> None: """Log a message at level 'error'""" self.log('error', msg) def critical(self, msg: str) -> None: """Log a message at level 'critical'""" self.log('critical', msg)
[docs] def flush(self): __doc__ = gORM.flush.__doc__ super().flush() turns_completed_previous = self._turns_completed_previous turns_completed = self._turns_completed set_turn_completed = self.query.set_turn_completed for branch, turn_late in turns_completed.items(): turn_early = turns_completed_previous.get(branch) if turn_late != turn_early: if turn_early is not None and turn_late <= turn_early: raise RuntimeError("Incoherent turns_completed cache") set_turn_completed(branch, turn_late) self._turns_completed_previous = turns_completed.copy()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Commit changes and close the database.""" if hasattr(self, '_closed'): raise RuntimeError("Already closed") if hasattr(self, 'cache_arrange_queue'): self.cache_arrange_queue.put('shutdown') if self._cache_arrange_thread.is_alive(): self._cache_arrange_thread.join() self.flush() if self._keyframe_on_close: self.snap_keyframe() for store in self.stores: if hasattr(store, 'save'): if not hasattr(store, '_filename'): continue path, filename = os.path.split(store._filename) modname = filename[:-3] if modname in sys.modules: del sys.modules[modname] self.commit() self.query.close() self._closed = True
def __enter__(self): """Return myself. For compatibility with ``with`` semantics.""" return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Close on exit.""" self.close() def _set_branch(self, v: str) -> None: oldrando = self.universal.get('rando_state') super()._set_branch(v) if v not in self._turns_completed: self._turns_completed[v] = self.turn newrando = self.universal.get('rando_state') if newrando and newrando != oldrando: self._rando.setstate(newrando) self.time.send(self.time, branch=self._obranch, turn=self._oturn) def _set_turn(self, v: int) -> None: turn_end = self._branch_end_plan[self.branch] if v > turn_end + 1: raise exc.OutOfTimelineError( f"The turn {v} is after the end of the branch {self.branch}. " f"Go to turn {turn_end + 1} and simulate with `next_turn`.", self.branch, self.turn, self.tick, self.branch, v, self.tick) oldrando = self.universal.get('rando_state') oldturn = self._oturn super()._set_turn(v) newrando = self.universal.get('rando_state') if v > oldturn and newrando and newrando != oldrando: self._rando.setstate(newrando) self.time.send(self.time, branch=self._obranch, turn=self._oturn) def _set_tick(self, v: int) -> None: tick_end = self._turn_end_plan[self.branch, self.turn] if v > tick_end + 1: raise exc.OutOfTimelineError( f"The tick {v} is after the end of the turn {self.turn}. " f"Go to tick {tick_end + 1} and simulate with `next_turn`.", self.branch, self.turn, self.tick, self.branch, self.turn, v) oldrando = self.universal.get('rando_state') oldtick = self._otick super()._set_tick(v) newrando = self.universal.get('rando_state') if v > oldtick and newrando and newrando != oldrando: self._rando.setstate(newrando) def _handled_char(self, charn: Key, rulebook: Key, rulen: Key, branch: str, turn: int, tick: int) -> None: try:, rulebook, rulen, branch, turn, tick) except ValueError: assert rulen in self._character_rules_handled_cache.handled[ charn, rulebook, branch, turn] return self.query.handled_character_rule(charn, rulebook, rulen, branch, turn, tick) def _handled_av(self, character: Key, graph: Key, avatar: Key, rulebook: Key, rule: Key, branch: str, turn: int, tick: int) -> None: try:, graph, avatar, rulebook, rule, branch, turn, tick) except ValueError: assert rule in self._unit_rules_handled_cache.handled[character, graph, avatar, rulebook, branch, turn] return self.query.handled_unit_rule(character, rulebook, rule, graph, avatar, branch, turn, tick) def _handled_char_thing(self, character: Key, thing: Key, rulebook: Key, rule: Key, branch: str, turn: int, tick: int) -> None: try: character, thing, rulebook, rule, branch, turn, tick) except ValueError: assert rule in self._character_thing_rules_handled_cache.handled[ character, thing, rulebook, branch, turn] return self.query.handled_character_thing_rule(character, rulebook, rule, thing, branch, turn, tick) def _handled_char_place(self, character: Key, place: Key, rulebook: Key, rule: Key, branch: str, turn: int, tick: int) -> None: try: character, place, rulebook, rule, branch, turn, tick) except ValueError: assert rule in self._character_place_rules_handled_cache.handled[ character, place, rulebook, branch, turn] return self.query.handled_character_place_rule(character, rulebook, rule, place, branch, turn, tick) def _handled_char_port(self, character: Key, orig: Key, dest: Key, rulebook: Key, rule: Key, branch: str, turn: int, tick: int) -> None: try: character, orig, dest, rulebook, rule, branch, turn, tick) except ValueError: assert rule in self._character_portal_rules_handled_cache.handled[ character, orig, dest, rulebook, branch, turn] return self.query.handled_character_portal_rule(character, orig, dest, rulebook, rule, branch, turn, tick) def _handled_node(self, character: Key, node: Key, rulebook: Key, rule: Key, branch: str, turn: int, tick: int) -> None: try:, node, rulebook, rule, branch, turn, tick) except ValueError: assert rule in self._node_rules_handled_cache.handled[character, node, rulebook, branch, turn] return self.query.handled_node_rule(character, node, rulebook, rule, branch, turn, tick) def _handled_portal(self, character: Key, orig: Key, dest: Key, rulebook: Key, rule: Key, branch: str, turn: int, tick: int) -> None: try:, orig, dest, rulebook, rule, branch, turn, tick) except ValueError: assert rule in self._portal_rules_handled_cache.handled[character, orig, dest, rulebook, branch, turn] return self.query.handled_portal_rule(character, orig, dest, rulebook, rule, branch, turn, tick) def _follow_rules(self): # TODO: roll back changes done by rules that raise an exception # TODO: if there's a paradox while following some rule, # start a new branch, copying handled rules from collections import defaultdict branch, turn, tick = self._btt() charmap = self.character rulemap = self.rule pool = self._trigger_pool todo = defaultdict(list) def check_triggers(prio, rulebook, rule, handled_fun, entity): for trigger in rule.triggers: res = trigger(entity) if res: todo[prio, rulebook].append((rule, handled_fun, entity)) return True else: handled_fun(self.tick) return False def check_prereqs(rule, handled_fun, entity): if not entity: return False for prereq in rule.prereqs: res = prereq(entity) if not res: handled_fun(self.tick) return False return True def do_actions(rule, handled_fun, entity): actres = [] for action in rule.actions: res = action(entity) if res: actres.append(res) if not entity: break handled_fun(self.tick) return actres trig_futs = [] for (prio, charactername, rulebook, rulename ) in self._character_rules_handled_cache.iter_unhandled_rules( branch, turn, tick): if charactername not in charmap: continue rule = rulemap[rulename] handled = partial(self._handled_char, charactername, rulebook, rulename, branch, turn) entity = charmap[charactername] trig_futs.append( pool.submit(check_triggers, prio, rulebook, rule, handled, entity)) avcache_retr = self._unitness_cache._base_retrieve node_exists = self._node_exists make_node = self._make_node thing_cls = self.thing_cls place_cls = self.place_cls node_objs = self._node_objs def get_node(graphn, noden): key = (graphn, noden) if key not in node_objs: node_objs[key] = make_node(charmap[graphn], noden) return node_objs[key] def get_thing(graphn, thingn): key = (graphn, thingn) if key not in node_objs: node_objs[key] = thing_cls(charmap[graphn], thingn) return node_objs[key] def get_place(graphn, placen): key = (graphn, placen) if key not in node_objs: node_objs[key] = place_cls(charmap[graphn], placen) return node_objs[key] for (prio, charn, graphn, avn, rulebook, rulen) in self._unit_rules_handled_cache.iter_unhandled_rules( branch, turn, tick): if not node_exists(graphn, avn) or avcache_retr( (charn, graphn, avn, branch, turn, tick)) in (KeyError, None): continue rule = rulemap[rulen] handled = partial(self._handled_av, charn, graphn, avn, rulebook, rulen, branch, turn) entity = get_node(graphn, avn) trig_futs.append( pool.submit(check_triggers, prio, rulebook, rule, handled, entity)) is_thing = self._is_thing handled_char_thing = self._handled_char_thing for ( prio, charn, thingn, rulebook, rulen ) in self._character_thing_rules_handled_cache.iter_unhandled_rules( branch, turn, tick): if not node_exists(charn, thingn) or not is_thing(charn, thingn): continue rule = rulemap[rulen] handled = partial(handled_char_thing, charn, thingn, rulebook, rulen, branch, turn) entity = get_thing(charn, thingn) trig_futs.append( pool.submit(check_triggers, prio, rulebook, rule, handled, entity)) handled_char_place = self._handled_char_place for ( prio, charn, placen, rulebook, rulen ) in self._character_place_rules_handled_cache.iter_unhandled_rules( branch, turn, tick): if not node_exists(charn, placen) or is_thing(charn, placen): continue rule = rulemap[rulen] handled = partial(handled_char_place, charn, placen, rulebook, rulen, branch, turn) entity = get_place(charn, placen) trig_futs.append( pool.submit(check_triggers, prio, rulebook, rule, handled, entity)) edge_exists = self._edge_exists get_edge = self._get_edge handled_char_port = self._handled_char_port for ( prio, charn, orign, destn, rulebook, rulen ) in self._character_portal_rules_handled_cache.iter_unhandled_rules( branch, turn, tick): if not edge_exists(charn, orign, destn): continue rule = rulemap[rulen] handled = partial(handled_char_port, charn, orign, destn, rulebook, rulen, branch, turn) entity = get_edge(charn, orign, destn) trig_futs.append( pool.submit(check_triggers, prio, rulebook, rule, handled, entity)) handled_node = self._handled_node for (prio, charn, noden, rulebook, rulen) in self._node_rules_handled_cache.iter_unhandled_rules( branch, turn, tick): if not node_exists(charn, noden): continue rule = rulemap[rulen] handled = partial(handled_node, charn, noden, rulebook, rulen, branch, turn) entity = get_node(charn, noden) trig_futs.append( pool.submit(check_triggers, prio, rulebook, rule, handled, entity)) handled_portal = self._handled_portal for ( prio, charn, orign, destn, rulebook, rulen) in self._portal_rules_handled_cache.iter_unhandled_rules( branch, turn, tick): if not edge_exists(charn, orign, destn): continue rule = rulemap[rulen] handled = partial(handled_portal, charn, orign, destn, rulebook, rulen, branch, turn) entity = get_edge(charn, orign, destn) trig_futs.append( pool.submit(check_triggers, prio, rulebook, rule, handled, entity)) wait(trig_futs) def fmtent(entity): if isinstance(entity, self.char_cls): return elif hasattr(entity, 'name'): return f"{}.node[{}]" else: return (f"{}.portal" f"[{}][{}]") for prio_rulebook in sort_set(todo.keys()): for rule, handled, entity in todo[prio_rulebook]: if not entity: continue self.debug( f"checking prereqs for rule {} on entity {fmtent(entity)}" ) if check_prereqs(rule, handled, entity): self.debug( f"prereqs for rule {rule} on entity " f"{fmtent(entity)} satisfied, will run actions") try: yield do_actions(rule, handled, entity) self.debug( f"actions for rule {rule} on entity " f"{fmtent(entity)} have run without incident") except StopIteration: raise InnerStopIteration def _advance(self) -> Any: """Follow the next rule if available. If we've run out of rules, reset the rules iterator. """ assert self.turn > self._turns_completed[self.branch] try: return next(self._rules_iter) except InnerStopIteration: self._rules_iter = self._follow_rules() return StopIteration() except StopIteration: self._rules_iter = self._follow_rules() return final_rule # except Exception as ex: # self._rules_iter = self._follow_rules() # return ex
[docs] def new_character(self, name: Key, data: Graph = None, layout: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Character: """Create and return a new :class:`Character`.""" self.add_character(name, data, layout, **kwargs) return self.character[name]
new_graph = new_character
[docs] def add_character(self, name: Key, data: Union[Graph, DiGraph, dict] = None, layout: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None: """Create a new character. You'll be able to access it as a :class:`Character` object by looking up ``name`` in my ``character`` property. ``data``, if provided, should be a :class:`networkx.Graph` or :class:`networkx.DiGraph` object. The character will be a copy of it. You can use a dictionary instead, and it will be converted to a graph. With ``layout=True`` (the default), compute a layout to make the graph show up nicely in ELiDE. Any keyword arguments will be set as stats of the new character. """ if layout and data: if not hasattr(data, 'nodes'): try: data = from_dict_of_dicts(data) except AttributeError: data = from_dict_of_lists(data) nodes = data.nodes() try: layout = normalize_layout({ name: name for name, node in nodes.items() if 'location' not in node }) except (TypeError, ValueError): layout = normalize_layout( spring_layout([ name for name, node in nodes.items() if 'location' not in node ])) for k, (x, y) in layout.items(): nodes[k]['_x'] = x nodes[k]['_y'] = y if kwargs: if not data: data = DiGraph() data.graph.update(kwargs) self._init_graph(name, 'DiGraph', data) self._graph_objs[name] = self.char_cls(self, name)
[docs] def del_character(self, name: Key) -> None: """Remove the Character from the database entirely. This also deletes all its history. You'd better be sure. """ self.query.del_character(name) self.del_graph(name) del self.character[name]
def _is_thing(self, character: Key, node: Key) -> bool: return self._things_cache.contains_entity(character, node, *self._btt()) def _set_thing_loc(self, character: Key, node: Key, loc: Key) -> None: branch, turn, tick = self._nbtt() # make sure the location really exists now if loc is not None: self._nodes_cache.retrieve(character, loc, branch, turn, tick), node, branch, turn, tick, loc) self.query.set_thing_loc(character, node, branch, turn, tick, loc) def _snap_keyframe_de_novo_graph(self, graph: Key, branch: str, turn: int, tick: int, nodes: NodeValDict, edges: EdgeValDict, graph_val: StatDict, copy_to_branch: str = None) -> None: super()._snap_keyframe_de_novo_graph(graph, branch, turn, tick, nodes, edges, graph_val) newkf = {} contkf = {} for (name, node) in nodes.items(): if 'location' not in node: continue locn = node['location'] newkf[name] = locn if locn in contkf: contkf[locn].add(name) else: contkf[locn] = { name, } contents_keyframes = self._node_contents_cache.keyframe contkfs = contents_keyframes[graph, ][branch] if turn not in contkfs: contkfs[turn] = {tick: contkf} else: contkfs[turn][tick] = contkf kfs = self._things_cache.keyframe[graph, ][branch] if turn not in kfs: kfs[turn] = {tick: newkf} else: kfs[turn][tick] = newkf
[docs] def turns_when(self, qry: Query, mid_turn=False) -> Union[QueryResult, set]: """Return the turns when the query held true Only the state of the world at the end of the turn is considered. To include turns where the query held true at some tick, but became false, set ``mid_turn=True`` :arg qry: a Query, likely constructed by comparing the result of a call to an entity's ``historical`` method with the output of ``self.alias(..)`` or another ``historical(..)`` """ unpack = self.unpack end = self._branch_end_plan[self.branch] + 1 def unpack_data_mid(data): return [((turn_from, tick_from), (turn_to, tick_to), unpack(v)) for (turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to, v) in data] def unpack_data_end(data): return [(turn_from, turn_to, unpack(v)) for (turn_from, _, turn_to, _, v) in data] if not isinstance(qry, ComparisonQuery): if not isinstance(qry, CompoundQuery): raise TypeError("Unsupported query type: " + repr(type(qry))) return CombinedQueryResult( self.turns_when(qry.leftside, mid_turn), self.turns_when(qry.rightside, mid_turn), qry.oper) self.query.flush() branches = list({branch for branch, _, _ in self._iter_parent_btt()}) left = qry.leftside right = qry.rightside if isinstance(left, StatusAlias) and isinstance(right, StatusAlias): left_sel = _make_side_sel(left.entity, left.stat, branches, self.pack, mid_turn) right_sel = _make_side_sel(right.entity, right.stat, branches, self.pack, mid_turn) left_data = self.query.execute(left_sel) right_data = self.query.execute(right_sel) if mid_turn: return QueryResultMidTurn(unpack_data_mid(left_data), unpack_data_mid(right_data), qry.oper, end) else: return QueryResultEndTurn(unpack_data_end(left_data), unpack_data_end(right_data), qry.oper, end) elif isinstance(left, StatusAlias): left_sel = _make_side_sel(left.entity, left.stat, branches, self.pack, mid_turn) left_data = self.query.execute(left_sel) if mid_turn: return QueryResultMidTurn(unpack_data_mid(left_data), [(0, 0, None, None, right)], qry.oper, end) else: return QueryResultEndTurn(unpack_data_end(left_data), [(0, None, right)], qry.oper, end) elif isinstance(right, StatusAlias): right_sel = _make_side_sel(right.entity, right.stat, branches, self.pack, mid_turn) right_data = self.query.execute(right_sel) if mid_turn: return QueryResultMidTurn([(0, 0, None, None, left)], unpack_data_mid(right_data), qry.oper, end) else: return QueryResultEndTurn([(0, None, left)], unpack_data_end(right_data), qry.oper, end) else: if qry.oper(left, right): return set(range(0, self.turn)) else: return set()
def _node_contents(self, character: Key, node: Key) -> Set: return self._node_contents_cache.retrieve(character, node, *self._btt())
[docs] def apply_choices( self, choices: List[dict], dry_run=False, perfectionist=False ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[Any, Any]], List[Tuple[Any, Any]]]: """Validate changes a player wants to make, and apply if acceptable. Argument ``choices`` is a list of dictionaries, of which each must have values for ``"entity"`` (a LiSE entity) and ``"changes"`` -- the later being a list of lists of pairs. Each change list is applied on a successive turn, and each pair ``(key, value)`` sets a key on the entity to a value on that turn. Returns a pair of lists containing acceptance and rejection messages, which the UI may present as it sees fit. They are always in a pair with the change request as the zeroth item. The message may be None or a string. Validator functions may return only a boolean indicating acceptance. If they instead return a pair, the initial boolean indicates acceptance and the following item is the message. This function will not actually result in any simulation happening. It creates a plan. See my ``plan`` context manager for the precise meaning of this. With ``dry_run=True`` just return the acceptances and rejections without really planning anything. With ``perfectionist=True`` apply changes if and only if all of them are accepted. """ schema = self.schema todo = defaultdict(list) acceptances = [] rejections = [] for track in choices: entity = track['entity'] permissible = schema.entity_permitted(entity) if isinstance(permissible, tuple): permissible, msg = permissible else: msg = '' if not permissible: for turn, changes in enumerate(track['changes'], start=self.turn + 1): rejections.extend( ((turn, entity, k, v), msg) for (k, v) in changes) continue for turn, changes in enumerate(track['changes'], start=self.turn + 1): for k, v in changes: ekv = (entity, k, v) parcel = (turn, entity, k, v) val = schema.stat_permitted(*parcel) if type(val) is tuple: accept, message = val if accept: todo[turn].append(ekv) l = acceptances else: l = rejections l.append((parcel, message)) elif val: todo[turn].append(ekv) acceptances.append((parcel, None)) else: rejections.append((parcel, None)) if dry_run or (perfectionist and rejections): return acceptances, rejections now = self.turn with self.plan(): for turn in sorted(todo): self.turn = turn for entity, key, value in todo[turn]: if isinstance(entity, self.char_cls): entity.stat[key] = value else: entity[key] = value self.turn = now return acceptances, rejections
def game_start(self): import importlib.machinery import importlib.util loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('game_start', os.path.join(self._prefix, "")) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader('game_start', loader) game_start = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) loader.exec_module(game_start) game_start.game_start(self)