Source code for allegedb

# This file is part of allegedb, an object relational mapper for versioned graphs.
# Copyright (C) Zachary Spector.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""The main interface to the allegedb ORM, and some supporting functions and classes"""
from contextlib import ContextDecorator
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

from blinker import Signal

from allegedb.window import update_window, update_backward_window
from .graph import (
from .query import QueryEngine, TimeError
from .window import HistoryError

[docs]class GraphNameError(KeyError): """For errors involving graphs' names"""
[docs]class PlanningContext(ContextDecorator): """A context manager for 'hypothetical' edits. Start a block of code like: ``` with orm.plan(): ... ``` and any changes you make to the world state within that block will be 'plans,' meaning that they are used as defaults. The world will obey your plan unless you make changes to the same entities outside of the plan, in which case the world will obey those, and cancel any future plan. New branches cannot be started within plans. """ __slots__ = ['orm', 'time'] def __init__(self, orm): self.orm = orm def __enter__(self): if self.orm._planning: raise ValueError("Already planning") self.orm._planning = True self.time = self.orm.btt() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.orm._obranch, self.orm._oturn, self.orm._otick = self.time self.orm._planning = False
[docs]class TimeSignal(Signal): """Acts like a list of ``[branch, turn]`` for the most part. You can set these to new values, or even replace them with a whole new ``[branch, turn]`` if you wish. It's even possible to use the strings ``'branch'`` or ``'turn'`` in the place of indices, but at that point you might prefer to set ``engine.branch`` or ``engine.turn`` directly. This is a Signal, so pass a function to the connect(...) method and it will be called whenever the time changes. Not when the tick changes, though. If you really need something done whenever the tick changes, override the _set_tick method of :class:`allegedb.ORM`. """ def __init__(self, engine): super().__init__() self.engine = engine def __iter__(self): yield self.engine.branch yield self.engine.turn def __len__(self): return 2 def __getitem__(self, i): if i in ('branch', 0): return self.engine.branch if i in ('turn', 1): return self.engine.turn def __setitem__(self, i, v): branch_then, turn_then, tick_then = self.engine.btt() if i in ('branch', 0): self.engine.branch = v if i in ('turn', 1): self.engine.turn = v branch_now, turn_now, tick_now = self.engine.btt() self.send( self, branch_then=branch_then, turn_then=turn_then, tick_then=tick_then, branch_now=branch_now, turn_now=turn_now, tick_now=tick_now ) def __str__(self): return str((self.engine.branch, self.engine.turn)) def __eq__(self, other): return tuple(self) == other def __ne__(self, other): return tuple(self) != other def __gt__(self, other): return tuple(self) > other def __ge__(self, other): return tuple(self) >= other def __lt__(self, other): return tuple(self) < other def __le__(self, other): return tuple(self) <= other
[docs]class TimeSignalDescriptor: __doc__ = TimeSignal.__doc__ signals = {} def __get__(self, inst, cls): if id(inst) not in self.signals: self.signals[id(inst)] = TimeSignal(inst) return self.signals[id(inst)] def __set__(self, inst, val): if id(inst) not in self.signals: self.signals[id(inst)] = TimeSignal(inst) real = self.signals[id(inst)] branch_then, turn_then, tick_then = real.engine.btt() branch_now, turn_now = val if (branch_then, turn_then) == (branch_now, turn_now): return e = real.engine # enforce the arrow of time, if it's in effect if e._forward: if branch_now != branch_then: raise TimeError("Can't change branches in a forward context") if turn_now < turn_then: raise TimeError("Can't time travel backward in a forward context") if turn_now > turn_then + 1: raise TimeError("Can't skip turns in a forward context") # make sure I'll end up within the revision range of the # destination branch branches = e._branches if branch_now in branches: tick_now = e._turn_end_plan.setdefault( (branch_now, turn_now), tick_then ) parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn_end, tick_end = branches[branch_now] if turn_now < turn_start: raise ValueError( "The turn number {} " "occurs before the start of " "the branch {}".format(turn_now, branch_now) ) if turn_now == turn_start and tick_now < tick_start: raise ValueError( "The tick number {}" "on turn {} " "occurs before the start of " "the branch {}".format( tick_now, turn_now, branch_now ) ) if not e._planning and ( turn_now > turn_end or ( turn_now == turn_end and tick_now > tick_end ) ): branches[branch_now] = parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn_now, tick_now else: tick_now = tick_then branches[branch_now] = ( branch_then, turn_now, tick_now, turn_now, tick_now ) e.query.new_branch(branch_now, branch_then, turn_now, tick_now) e._obranch, e._oturn = val if not e._planning: if tick_now > e._turn_end[val]: e._turn_end[val] = tick_now e._otick = e._turn_end_plan[val] = tick_now real.send( e, branch_then=branch_then, turn_then=turn_then, tick_then=tick_then, branch_now=branch_now, turn_now=turn_now, tick_now=tick_now )
[docs]def setgraphval(delta, graph, key, val): """Change a delta to say that a graph stat was set to a certain value""" delta.setdefault(graph, {})[key] = val
[docs]def setnode(delta, graph, node, exists): """Change a delta to say that a node was created or deleted""" delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('nodes', {})[node] = bool(exists)
[docs]def setnodeval(delta, graph, node, key, value): """Change a delta to say that a node stat was set to a certain value""" if ( graph in delta and 'nodes' in delta[graph] and node in delta[graph]['nodes'] and not delta[graph]['nodes'][node] ): return delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('node_val', {}).setdefault(node, {})[key] = value
[docs]def setedge(delta, is_multigraph, graph, orig, dest, idx, exists): """Change a delta to say that an edge was created or deleted""" if is_multigraph(graph): delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('edges', {})\ .setdefault(orig, {}).setdefault(dest, {})[idx] = bool(exists) else: delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('edges', {})\ .setdefault(orig, {})[dest] = bool(exists)
[docs]def setedgeval(delta, is_multigraph, graph, orig, dest, idx, key, value): """Change a delta to say that an edge stat was set to a certain value""" if is_multigraph(graph): if ( graph in delta and 'edges' in delta[graph] and orig in delta[graph]['edges'] and dest in delta[graph]['edges'][orig] and idx in delta[graph]['edges'][orig][dest] and not delta[graph]['edges'][orig][dest][idx] ): return delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('edge_val', {})\ .setdefault(orig, {}).setdefault(dest, {})\ .setdefault(idx, {})[key] = value else: if ( graph in delta and 'edges' in delta[graph] and orig in delta[graph]['edges'] and dest in delta[graph]['edges'][orig] and not delta[graph]['edges'][orig][dest] ): return delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('edge_val', {})\ .setdefault(orig, {}).setdefault(dest, {})[key] = value
[docs]class ORM(object): """Instantiate this with the same string argument you'd use for a SQLAlchemy ``create_engine`` call. This will be your interface to allegedb. """ node_cls = Node edge_cls = Edge query_engine_cls = QueryEngine illegal_graph_names = ['global'] illegal_node_names = ['nodes', 'node_val', 'edges', 'edge_val'] time = TimeSignalDescriptor() def _make_node(self, graph, node): return self.node_cls(graph, node) def _get_node(self, graph, node): key = (, node) if key in self._node_objs: return self._node_objs[key] if not self._node_exists(, node): self._exist_node(, node) ret = self._make_node(graph, node) self._node_objs[key] = ret return ret def _make_edge(self, graph, orig, dest, idx): return self.edge_cls(graph, orig, dest, idx) def _get_edge(self, graph, orig, dest, idx=0): key = (, orig, dest, idx) if key in self._edge_objs: return self._edge_objs[key] if not self._edge_exists(, orig, dest, idx): self._exist_edge(, orig, dest, idx) ret = self._make_edge(graph, orig, dest, idx) self._edge_objs[key] = ret return ret
[docs] def plan(self): return PlanningContext(self)
plan.__doc__ = PlanningContext.__doc__ from contextlib import contextmanager
[docs] @contextmanager def advancing(self): """A context manager for when time is moving forward one turn at a time. When used in LiSE, this means that the game is being simulated. It changes how the caching works, making it more efficient. """ if self._forward: raise ValueError("Already advancing") self._forward = True yield self._forward = False
[docs] @contextmanager def batch(self): """A context manager for when you're creating lots of state. Reads will be much slower in a batch, but writes will be faster. You *can* combine this with ``advancing`` but it isn't any faster. """ if self._no_kc: raise ValueError("Already in a batch") self._no_kc = True yield self._no_kc = False
[docs] def get_delta(self, branch, turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to): """Get a dictionary describing changes to all graphs. The keys are graph names. Their values are dictionaries of the graphs' attributes' new values, with ``None`` for deleted keys. Also in those graph dictionaries are special keys 'node_val' and 'edge_val' describing changes to node and edge attributes, and 'nodes' and 'edges' full of booleans indicating whether a node or edge exists. """ from functools import partial if turn_from == turn_to: return self.get_turn_delta(branch, turn_from, tick_from, tick_to) delta = {} graph_objs = self._graph_objs if turn_to < turn_from: updater = partial(update_backward_window, turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to) gvbranches = self._graph_val_cache.presettings nbranches = self._nodes_cache.presettings nvbranches = self._node_val_cache.presettings ebranches = self._edges_cache.presettings evbranches = self._edge_val_cache.presettings else: updater = partial(update_window, turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to) gvbranches = self._graph_val_cache.settings nbranches = self._nodes_cache.settings nvbranches = self._node_val_cache.settings ebranches = self._edges_cache.settings evbranches = self._edge_val_cache.settings if branch in gvbranches: updater(partial(setgraphval, delta), gvbranches[branch]) if branch in nbranches: updater(partial(setnode, delta), nbranches[branch]) if branch in nvbranches: updater(partial(setnodeval, delta), nvbranches[branch]) if branch in ebranches: updater(partial(setedge, delta, lambda g: graph_objs[g].is_multigraph()), ebranches[branch]) if branch in evbranches: updater(partial(setedgeval, delta, lambda g: graph_objs[g].is_multigraph()), evbranches[branch]) return delta
[docs] def get_turn_delta(self, branch=None, turn=None, tick_from=0, tick_to=None): """Get a dictionary describing changes made on a given turn. If ``tick_to`` is not supplied, report all changes after ``tick_from`` (default 0). The keys are graph names. Their values are dictionaries of the graphs' attributes' new values, with ``None`` for deleted keys. Also in those graph dictionaries are special keys 'node_val' and 'edge_val' describing changes to node and edge attributes, and 'nodes' and 'edges' full of booleans indicating whether a node or edge exists. """ branch = branch or self.branch turn = turn or self.turn tick_to = tick_to or self.tick delta = {} if tick_from < tick_to: gvbranches = self._graph_val_cache.settings nbranches = self._nodes_cache.settings nvbranches = self._node_val_cache.settings ebranches = self._edges_cache.settings evbranches = self._edge_val_cache.settings else: gvbranches = self._graph_val_cache.presettings nbranches = self._nodes_cache.presettings nvbranches = self._node_val_cache.presettings ebranches = self._edges_cache.presettings evbranches = self._edge_val_cache.presettings if branch in gvbranches and turn in gvbranches[branch]: for graph, key, value in gvbranches[branch][turn][tick_from:tick_to]: if graph in delta: delta[graph][key] = value else: delta[graph] = {key: value} if branch in nbranches and turn in nbranches[branch]: for graph, node, exists in nbranches[branch][turn][tick_from:tick_to]: delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('nodes', {})[node] = bool(exists) if branch in nvbranches and turn in nvbranches[branch]: for graph, node, key, value in nvbranches[branch][turn][tick_from:tick_to]: if ( graph in delta and 'nodes' in delta[graph] and node in delta[graph]['nodes'] and not delta[graph]['nodes'][node] ): continue nodevd = delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('node_val', {}) if node in nodevd: nodevd[node][key] = value else: nodevd[node] = {key: value} graph_objs = self._graph_objs if branch in ebranches and turn in ebranches[branch]: for graph, orig, dest, idx, exists in ebranches[branch][turn][tick_from:tick_to]: if graph_objs[graph].is_multigraph(): if ( graph in delta and 'edges' in delta[graph] and orig in delta[graph]['edges'] and dest in delta[graph]['edges'][orig] and idx in delta[graph]['edges'][orig][dest] and not delta[graph]['edges'][orig][dest][idx] ): continue delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('edges', {})\ .setdefault(orig, {}).setdefault(dest, {})[idx] = bool(exists) else: if ( graph in delta and 'edges' in delta[graph] and orig in delta[graph]['edges'] and dest in delta[graph]['edges'][orig] and not delta[graph]['edges'][orig][dest] ): continue delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('edges', {})\ .setdefault(orig, {})[dest] = bool(exists) if branch in evbranches and turn in evbranches[branch]: for graph, orig, dest, idx, key, value in evbranches[branch][turn][tick_from:tick_to]: edgevd = delta.setdefault(graph, {}).setdefault('edge_val', {})\ .setdefault(orig, {}).setdefault(dest, {}) if graph_objs[graph].is_multigraph(): if idx in edgevd: edgevd[idx][key] = value else: edgevd[idx] = {key: value} else: edgevd[key] = value return delta
def _init_caches(self): from collections import defaultdict from .cache import Cache, NodesCache, EdgesCache self._global_cache = self.query._global_cache = {} self._node_objs = WeakValueDictionary() self._edge_objs = WeakValueDictionary() for k, v in self.query.global_items(): if k == 'branch': self._obranch = v elif k == 'turn': self._oturn = int(v) elif k == 'tick': self._otick = int(v) else: self._global_cache[k] = v self._childbranch = defaultdict(set) """Immediate children of a branch""" self._branches = {} """Start time, end time, and parent of each branch""" self._branch_parents = defaultdict(set) """Parents of a branch at any remove""" self._turn_end = defaultdict(lambda: 0) """Tick on which a (branch, turn) ends""" self._turn_end_plan = defaultdict(lambda: 0) """Tick on which a (branch, turn) ends, even if it hasn't been simulated""" self._graph_val_cache = Cache(self) self._nodes_cache = NodesCache(self) self._edges_cache = EdgesCache(self) self._node_val_cache = Cache(self) self._edge_val_cache = Cache(self) self._graph_objs = {} def _load_graphs(self): for (graph, typ) in self.query.graphs_types(): self._graph_objs[graph] = { 'Graph': Graph, 'DiGraph': DiGraph, 'MultiGraph': MultiGraph, 'MultiDiGraph': MultiDiGraph }[typ](self, graph) def __init__( self, dbstring, alchemy=True, connect_args={}, validate=False ): """Make a SQLAlchemy engine if possible, else a sqlite3 connection. In either case, begin a transaction. """ self._planning = False self._forward = False self._no_kc = False if not hasattr(self, 'query'): self.query = self.query_engine_cls( dbstring, connect_args, alchemy, getattr(self, 'pack', None), getattr(self, 'unpack', None) ) self.query.initdb() # in case this is the first startup self._otick = self._oturn = 0 self._init_caches() for (branch, parent, parent_turn, parent_tick, end_turn, end_tick) in self.query.all_branches(): self._branches[branch] = (parent, parent_turn, parent_tick, end_turn, end_tick) self._upd_branch_parentage(parent, branch) for (branch, turn, end_tick, plan_end_tick) in self.query.turns_dump(): self._turn_end[branch, turn] = end_tick self._turn_end_plan[branch, turn] = plan_end_tick if 'trunk' not in self._branches: self._branches['trunk'] = None, 0, 0, 0, 0 self._load_graphs() self._init_load(validate=validate) def _upd_branch_parentage(self, parent, child): self._childbranch[parent].add(child) self._branch_parents[child].add(parent) while parent in self._branches: parent, _, _, _, _ = self._branches[parent] self._branch_parents[child].add(parent) def _init_load(self, validate=False): if not hasattr(self, 'graph'): self.graph = self._graph_objs noderows = [ (graph, node, branch, turn, tick, ex if ex else None) for (graph, node, branch, turn, tick, ex) in self.query.nodes_dump() ] self._nodes_cache.load(noderows, validate=validate) edgerows = [ (graph, orig, dest, idx, branch, turn, tick, ex if ex else None) for (graph, orig, dest, idx, branch, turn, tick, ex) in self.query.edges_dump() ] self._edges_cache.load(edgerows, validate=validate) self._graph_val_cache.load(self.query.graph_val_dump(), validate=validate) self._node_val_cache.load(self.query.node_val_dump(), validate=validate) self._edge_val_cache.load(self.query.edge_val_dump(), validate=validate) def __enter__(self): """Enable the use of the ``with`` keyword""" return self def __exit__(self, *args): """Alias for ``close``""" self.close()
[docs] def is_parent_of(self, parent, child): """Return whether ``child`` is a branch descended from ``parent`` at any remove. """ if parent == 'trunk': return True if child == 'trunk': return False if child not in self._branches: raise ValueError( "The branch {} seems not to have ever been created".format( child ) ) if self._branches[child][0] == parent: return True return self.is_parent_of(parent, self._branches[child][0])
def _get_branch(self): return self._obranch def _set_branch(self, v): if self._planning: raise ValueError("Don't change branches while planning") curbranch, curturn, curtick = self.btt() if curbranch == v: self._otick = self._turn_end_plan[curbranch, curturn] return # make sure I'll end up within the revision range of the # destination branch if v != 'trunk' and v in self._branches: parturn = self._branches[v][1] if curturn < parturn: raise ValueError( "Tried to jump to branch {br}, " "which starts at turn {rv}. " "Go to turn {rv} or later to use this branch.".format( br=v, rv=parturn ) ) if v not in self._branches: # assumes the present turn in the parent branch has # been finalized. self.query.new_branch(v, curbranch, curturn, curtick) self._branches[v] = curbranch, curturn, curtick, curturn, curtick self._upd_branch_parentage(v, curbranch) self._turn_end_plan[v, curturn] = self._turn_end[v, curturn] = curtick self._obranch = v self._otick = self._turn_end_plan[v, curturn] # easier to override things this way @property def branch(self): return self._get_branch() @branch.setter def branch(self, v): self._set_branch(v) def _get_turn(self): return self._oturn def _set_turn(self, v): if v == self.turn: self._otick = self._turn_end_plan[tuple(self.time)] return if not isinstance(v, int): raise TypeError("turn must be an integer") # enforce the arrow of time, if it's in effect if self._forward and v < self._oturn: raise ValueError("Can't time travel backward in a forward context") # first make sure the cursor is not before the start of this branch branch = self.branch tick = self._turn_end_plan.setdefault((branch, v), 0) parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn_end, tick_end = self._branches[branch] if branch != 'trunk': if v < turn_start: raise ValueError( "The turn number {} " "occurs before the start of " "the branch {}".format(v, branch) ) if not self._planning and v > turn_end: self._branches[branch] = parent, turn_start, tick_start, v, tick self._otick = tick self._oturn = v # easier to override things this way @property def turn(self): return self._get_turn() @turn.setter def turn(self, v): self._set_turn(v) def _get_tick(self): return self._otick def _set_tick(self, v): if not isinstance(v, int): raise TypeError("tick must be an integer") time = branch, turn = self._obranch, self._oturn # enforce the arrow of time, if it's in effect if self._forward and v < self._otick: raise ValueError("Can't time travel backward in a forward context") if v > self._turn_end_plan[time]: self._turn_end_plan[time] = v if not self._planning: if v > self._turn_end[time]: self._turn_end[time] = v parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn_end, tick_end = self._branches[branch] if turn == turn_end and v > tick_end: self._branches[branch] = parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn, v self._otick = v # easier to override things this way @property def tick(self): return self._get_tick() @tick.setter def tick(self, v): self._set_tick(v)
[docs] def btt(self): """Return the branch, turn, and tick.""" return self._obranch, self._oturn, self._otick
[docs] def nbtt(self): """Increment the tick and return branch, turn, tick Unless we're viewing the past, in which case raise HistoryError. Idea is you use this when you want to advance time, which you can only do once per branch, turn, tick. """ from .cache import HistoryError branch, turn, tick = self.btt() tick += 1 if (branch, turn) in self._turn_end_plan: if tick > self._turn_end_plan[branch, turn]: self._turn_end_plan[branch, turn] = tick else: tick = self._turn_end_plan[branch, turn] + 1 self._turn_end_plan[branch, turn] = tick if self._turn_end[branch, turn] > tick: raise HistoryError( "You're not at the end of turn {}. Go to tick {} to change things".format( turn, self._turn_end[branch, turn] ) ) parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn_end, tick_end = self._branches[branch] if turn < turn_end or ( turn == turn_end and tick < tick_end ): raise HistoryError( "You're in the past. Go to turn {}, tick {} to change things".format(turn_end, tick_end) ) if not self._planning: if turn_end != turn: raise HistoryError( "When advancing time outside of a plan, you can't skip turns. Go to turn {}".format(turn_end) ) self._branches[branch] = parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn_end, tick self._turn_end[branch, turn] = tick self._otick = tick return branch, turn, tick
[docs] def commit(self): """Write the state of all graphs to the database and commit the transaction. Also saves the current branch, turn, and tick. """ self.query.globl['branch'] = self._obranch self.query.globl['turn'] = self._oturn self.query.globl['tick'] = self._otick set_branch = self.query.set_branch for branch, (parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn_end, tick_end) in self._branches.items(): set_branch(branch, parent, turn_start, tick_start, turn_end, tick_end) turn_end = self._turn_end set_turn = self.query.set_turn for (branch, turn), plan_end_tick in self._turn_end_plan.items(): set_turn(branch, turn, turn_end[branch], plan_end_tick) self.query.commit()
[docs] def close(self): """Write changes to database and close the connection""" self.commit() self.query.close()
[docs] def initdb(self): """Alias of ``self.query.initdb``""" self.query.initdb()
def _init_graph(self, name, type_s='Graph'): if self.query.have_graph(name): raise GraphNameError("Already have a graph by that name") if name in self.illegal_graph_names: raise GraphNameError("Illegal name") self.query.new_graph(name, type_s)
[docs] def new_graph(self, name, data=None, **attr): """Return a new instance of type Graph, initialized with the given data if provided. """ self._init_graph(name, 'Graph') g = Graph(self, name, data, **attr) self._graph_objs[name] = g return g
[docs] def new_digraph(self, name, data=None, **attr): """Return a new instance of type DiGraph, initialized with the given data if provided. """ self._init_graph(name, 'DiGraph') dg = DiGraph(self, name, data, **attr) self._graph_objs[name] = dg return dg
[docs] def new_multigraph(self, name, data=None, **attr): """Return a new instance of type MultiGraph, initialized with the given data if provided. """ self._init_graph(name, 'MultiGraph') mg = MultiGraph(self, name, data, **attr) self._graph_objs[name] = mg return mg
[docs] def new_multidigraph(self, name, data=None, **attr): """Return a new instance of type MultiDiGraph, initialized with the given data if provided. """ self._init_graph(name, 'MultiDiGraph') mdg = MultiDiGraph(self, name, data, **attr) self._graph_objs[name] = mdg return mdg
[docs] def get_graph(self, name): """Return a graph previously created with ``new_graph``, ``new_digraph``, ``new_multigraph``, or ``new_multidigraph`` """ if name in self._graph_objs: return self._graph_objs[name] graphtypes = { 'Graph': Graph, 'DiGraph': DiGraph, 'MultiGraph': MultiGraph, 'MultiDiGraph': MultiDiGraph } type_s = self.query.graph_type(name) if type_s not in graphtypes: raise GraphNameError( "I don't know of a graph named {}".format(name) ) g = graphtypes[type_s](self, name) self._graph_objs[name] = g return g
[docs] def del_graph(self, name): """Remove all traces of a graph's existence from the database""" # make sure the graph exists before deleting anything self.get_graph(name) self.query.del_graph(name) if name in self._graph_objs: del self._graph_objs[name]
def _iter_parent_btt(self, branch=None, turn=None, tick=None, *, stoptime=None): """Private use. Iterate over (branch, turn, tick), where the branch is a descendant of the previous (starting with whatever branch is presently active and ending at 'trunk'), and the turn is the latest revision in the branch that matters. Keyword ``stoptime`` may be a branch, in which case iteration will stop instead of proceeding into that branch's parent; or it may be a triple, ``(branch, turn, tick)``, in which case iteration will stop instead of yielding any time before that. The tick may be ``None``, in which case iteration will stop instead of yielding the turn. """ branch = branch or self.branch trn = self.turn if turn is None else turn tck = self.tick if tick is None else tick yield branch, trn, tck stopbranches = set() if stoptime: if type(stoptime) is tuple: stopbranch = stoptime[0] stopbranches.add(stopbranch) stopbranches.update(self._branch_parents[stopbranch]) else: stopbranch = stoptime stopbranches = self._branch_parents[stopbranch] _branches = self._branches while branch in _branches: # ``par`` is the parent branch; # ``(trn, tck)`` is when ``branch`` forked off from ``par`` (branch, trn, tck, _, _) = _branches[branch] if branch in stopbranches and ( trn < stoptime[1] or ( trn == stoptime[1] and ( stoptime[2] is None or tck <= stoptime[2] ) ) ): return yield branch, trn, tck def _branch_descendants(self, branch=None): """Iterate over all branches immediately descended from the current one (or the given one, if available). """ branch = branch or self.branch for (parent, (child, _, _, _, _)) in self._branches.items(): if parent == branch: yield child def _node_exists(self, character, node): return self._nodes_cache.contains_entity(character, node, *self.btt()) def _exist_node(self, character, node, exist=True): branch, turn, tick = self.nbtt() self.query.exist_node( character, node, branch, turn, tick, True ), node, branch, turn, tick, exist) def _edge_exists(self, character, orig, dest, idx=0): return self._edges_cache.contains_entity( character, orig, dest, idx, *self.btt() ) def _exist_edge( self, character, orig, dest, idx=0, exist=True ): branch, turn, tick = self.nbtt() self.query.exist_edge( character, orig, dest, idx, branch, turn, tick, exist ) character, orig, dest, idx, branch, turn, tick, exist )