
Object relational mapper for graphs with in-built revision control.

allegedb serves its own special variants on the networkx graph classes: Graph, DiGraph, MultiGraph, and MultiDiGraph. Every change to them is stored in an SQL database.

This means you can keep multiple versions of one set of graphs and switch between them without the need to save, load, or run git-checkout. Just point the ORM at the correct branch and revision, and all of the graphs in the program will change. All the different branches and revisions remain in the database to be brought back when needed.


>>> from allegedb import ORM
>>> orm = ORM('sqlite:///test.db')
>>> orm.initdb()  # only necessary the first time you use a particular database
>>> g = orm.new_graph('test')  # also new_digraph, new_multigraph, new_multidigraph
>>> g.add_nodes_from(['spam', 'eggs', 'ham'])
>>> g.add_edge('spam', 'eggs')
>>> g.edge  # strings become unicode because that's the way sqlite3 rolls
{u'eggs': {u'ham': {}, u'spam': {}}, u'ham': {u'eggs': {}}, u'spam': {u'eggs': {}}}
>>> del g
>>> orm.close()
>>> del orm
>>> orm = ORM('sqlite:///test.db')
>>> g = orm.get_graph('test')  # returns whatever graph type you stored by that name
>>> g.edge
{u'eggs': {u'ham': {}, u'spam': {}}, u'ham': {u'eggs': {}}, u'spam': {u'eggs': {}}}
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> red = nx.random_lobster(10,0.9,0.9)
>>> blue = orm.new_graph('red', red)  # initialize with data from the given graph
>>> red.edge == blue.edge
>>> orm.rev = 1
>>> blue.add_edge(17, 15)
>>> red.edge = blue.edge
>>> orm.rev = 0  # undoing what I did when rev-1
>>> red.edge == blue.edge
>>> orm.rev = 0
>>> orm.branch = 'test'    # navigating to a branch for the first time creates that branch
>>> orm.rev = 1
>>> red.edge == blue.edge
>>> orm.branch = 'trunk'
>>> red.edge == blue.edge


The main interface to the allegedb ORM, and some supporting functions and classes

exception allegedb.GraphNameError[source]

For errors involving graphs’ names

class allegedb.ORM(dbstring, alchemy=True, connect_args={}, validate=False)[source]

Instantiate this with the same string argument you’d use for a SQLAlchemy create_engine call. This will be your interface to allegedb.


A context manager for when time is moving forward one turn at a time.

When used in LiSE, this means that the game is being simulated. It changes how the caching works, making it more efficient.


A context manager for when you’re creating lots of state.

Reads will be much slower in a batch, but writes will be faster.

You can combine this with advancing but it isn’t any faster.


Return the branch, turn, and tick.


Write changes to database and close the connection


Write the state of all graphs to the database and commit the transaction.

Also saves the current branch, turn, and tick.


@contextmanager decorator.

Typical usage:

@contextmanager def some_generator(<arguments>):

<setup> try:

yield <value>

This makes this:

with some_generator(<arguments>) as <variable>:

equivalent to this:

<setup> try:

<variable> = <value> <body>

Remove all traces of a graph’s existence from the database


alias of allegedb.graph.Edge

get_delta(branch, turn_from, tick_from, turn_to, tick_to)[source]

Get a dictionary describing changes to all graphs.

The keys are graph names. Their values are dictionaries of the graphs’ attributes’ new values, with None for deleted keys. Also in those graph dictionaries are special keys ‘node_val’ and ‘edge_val’ describing changes to node and edge attributes, and ‘nodes’ and ‘edges’ full of booleans indicating whether a node or edge exists.


Return a graph previously created with new_graph, new_digraph, new_multigraph, or new_multidigraph

get_turn_delta(branch=None, turn=None, tick_from=0, tick_to=None)[source]

Get a dictionary describing changes made on a given turn.

If tick_to is not supplied, report all changes after tick_from (default 0).

The keys are graph names. Their values are dictionaries of the graphs’ attributes’ new values, with None for deleted keys. Also in those graph dictionaries are special keys ‘node_val’ and ‘edge_val’ describing changes to node and edge attributes, and ‘nodes’ and ‘edges’ full of booleans indicating whether a node or edge exists.


Alias of self.query.initdb

is_parent_of(parent, child)[source]

Return whether child is a branch descended from parent at any remove.


Increment the tick and return branch, turn, tick

Unless we’re viewing the past, in which case raise HistoryError.

Idea is you use this when you want to advance time, which you can only do once per branch, turn, tick.

new_digraph(name, data=None, **attr)[source]

Return a new instance of type DiGraph, initialized with the given data if provided.

new_graph(name, data=None, **attr)[source]

Return a new instance of type Graph, initialized with the given data if provided.

new_multidigraph(name, data=None, **attr)[source]

Return a new instance of type MultiDiGraph, initialized with the given data if provided.

new_multigraph(name, data=None, **attr)[source]

Return a new instance of type MultiGraph, initialized with the given data if provided.


alias of allegedb.graph.Node


A context manager for ‘hypothetical’ edits.

Start a block of code like:

``` with orm.plan():


and any changes you make to the world state within that block will be ‘plans,’ meaning that they are used as defaults. The world will obey your plan unless you make changes to the same entities outside of the plan, in which case the world will obey those, and cancel any future plan.

New branches cannot be started within plans.


alias of allegedb.query.QueryEngine

class allegedb.PlanningContext(orm)[source]

A context manager for ‘hypothetical’ edits.

Start a block of code like:

``` with orm.plan():


and any changes you make to the world state within that block will be ‘plans,’ meaning that they are used as defaults. The world will obey your plan unless you make changes to the same entities outside of the plan, in which case the world will obey those, and cancel any future plan.

New branches cannot be started within plans.

class allegedb.TimeSignal(engine)[source]

Acts like a list of [branch, turn] for the most part.

You can set these to new values, or even replace them with a whole new [branch, turn] if you wish. It’s even possible to use the strings 'branch' or 'turn' in the place of indices, but at that point you might prefer to set engine.branch or engine.turn directly.

This is a Signal, so pass a function to the connect(…) method and it will be called whenever the time changes. Not when the tick changes, though. If you really need something done whenever the tick changes, override the _set_tick method of allegedb.ORM.

class allegedb.TimeSignalDescriptor[source]

Acts like a list of [branch, turn] for the most part.

You can set these to new values, or even replace them with a whole new [branch, turn] if you wish. It’s even possible to use the strings 'branch' or 'turn' in the place of indices, but at that point you might prefer to set engine.branch or engine.turn directly.

This is a Signal, so pass a function to the connect(…) method and it will be called whenever the time changes. Not when the tick changes, though. If you really need something done whenever the tick changes, override the _set_tick method of allegedb.ORM.

allegedb.setedge(delta, is_multigraph, graph, orig, dest, idx, exists)[source]

Change a delta to say that an edge was created or deleted

allegedb.setedgeval(delta, is_multigraph, graph, orig, dest, idx, key, value)[source]

Change a delta to say that an edge stat was set to a certain value

allegedb.setgraphval(delta, graph, key, val)[source]

Change a delta to say that a graph stat was set to a certain value

allegedb.setnode(delta, graph, node, exists)[source]

Change a delta to say that a node was created or deleted

allegedb.setnodeval(delta, graph, node, key, value)[source]

Change a delta to say that a node stat was set to a certain value


Classes for in-memory storage and retrieval of historical graph data.

class allegedb.cache.Cache(db)[source]

A data store that’s useful for tracking graph revisions.

branches = None

A less structured alternative to keys.

For when you already know the entity and the key within it, but still need to iterate through history to find the value.


Check if an entity has a key at the given time, if entity specified.

Otherwise check if the entity exists.


Check if an entity has a key at the given time, if entity specified.

Otherwise check if the entity exists.


Check if an entity has a key at the given time, if entity specified.

Otherwise check if the entity exists.


Check if an entity has a key at the given time, if entity specified.

Otherwise check if the entity exists.

count_entities(*args, forward=None)

Return the number of keys an entity has, if you specify an entity.

Otherwise return the number of entities.

count_entities_or_keys(*args, forward=None)[source]

Return the number of keys an entity has, if you specify an entity.

Otherwise return the number of entities.

count_entity_keys(*args, forward=None)

Return the number of keys an entity has, if you specify an entity.

Otherwise return the number of entities.

count_keys(*args, forward=None)

Return the number of keys an entity has, if you specify an entity.

Otherwise return the number of entities.

iter_entities(*args, forward=None)

Iterate over the keys an entity has, if you specify an entity.

Otherwise iterate over the entities themselves, or at any rate the tuple specifying which entity.

iter_entities_or_keys(*args, forward=None)[source]

Iterate over the keys an entity has, if you specify an entity.

Otherwise iterate over the entities themselves, or at any rate the tuple specifying which entity.

iter_entity_keys(*args, forward=None)

Iterate over the keys an entity has, if you specify an entity.

Otherwise iterate over the entities themselves, or at any rate the tuple specifying which entity.

iter_keys(*args, forward=None)

Iterate over the keys an entity has, if you specify an entity.

Otherwise iterate over the entities themselves, or at any rate the tuple specifying which entity.

keycache = None

Keys an entity has at a given turn and tick.

keys = None

Cache of entity data keyed by the entities themselves.

That means the whole tuple identifying the entity is the top-level key in this cache here. The second-to-top level is the key within the entity.

Deeper layers of this cache are keyed by branch, turn, and tick.

load(data, validate=False, cb=None)[source]

Add a bunch of data. It doesn’t need to be in chronological order.

With validate=True, raise ValueError if this results in an incoherent cache.

If a callable cb is provided, it will be called with each row. It will also be passed my validate argument.

parents = None

Entity data keyed by the entities’ parents.

An entity’s parent is what it’s contained in. When speaking of a node, this is its graph. When speaking of an edge, the parent is usually the graph and the origin in a pair, though for multigraphs the destination might be part of the parent as well.

Deeper layers of this cache are keyed by branch and revision.

presettings = None

The values prior to entity[key] = value operations performed on some turn


Get a value previously .store(…)’d.

Needs at least five arguments. The -1th is the tick within the turn you want, the -2th is that turn, the -3th is the branch, and the -4th is the key. All other arguments identify the entity that the key is in.

settings = None

All the entity[key] = value operations that were performed on some turn

shallowest = None

A dictionary for plain, unstructured hinting.

store(*args, planning=None, forward=None)[source]

Put a value in various dictionaries for later .retrieve(…).

Needs at least five arguments, of which the -1th is the value to store, the -2th is the tick to store it at, the -3th is the turn to store it in, the -4th is the branch the revision is in, the -5th is the key the value is for, and the remaining arguments identify the entity that has the key, eg. a graph, node, or edge.

With planning=True, you will be permitted to alter “history” that takes place after the last non-planning moment of time, without much regard to consistency. Otherwise, contradictions will be handled by deleting everything after the present moment.

class allegedb.cache.EdgesCache(db)[source]

A cache for remembering whether edges exist at a given time.

count_predecessors(graph, dest, branch, turn, tick, *, forward=None)[source]

Return the number of predecessors from a given destination node at a given time.

count_successors(graph, orig, branch, turn, tick, *, forward=None)[source]

Return the number of successors to a given origin node at a given time.

has_predecessor(graph, dest, orig, branch, turn, tick)[source]

Return whether an edge connects the destination to the origin at the given time.

has_successor(graph, orig, dest, branch, turn, tick)[source]

Return whether an edge connects the origin to the destination at the given time.

iter_predecessors(graph, dest, branch, turn, tick, *, forward=None)[source]

Iterate over predecessors to a given destination node at a given time.

iter_successors(graph, orig, branch, turn, tick, *, forward=None)[source]

Iterate over successors of a given origin node at a given time.

class allegedb.cache.FuturistWindowDict(data=None)[source]

A WindowDict that does not let you rewrite the past.

class allegedb.cache.NodesCache(db)[source]

A cache for remembering whether nodes exist at a given time.

class allegedb.cache.PickyDefaultDict(type=<class 'object'>, args_munger=<function _default_args_munger>, kwargs_munger=<function _default_kwargs_munger>)[source]

A defaultdict alternative that requires values of a specific type.

Pass some type object (such as a class) to the constructor to specify what type to use by default, which is the only type I will accept.

Default values are constructed with no arguments by default; supply args_munger and/or kwargs_munger to override this. They take arguments self and the unused key being looked up.

class allegedb.cache.SettingsTurnDict(data=None)[source]

alias of allegedb.window.WindowDict

class allegedb.cache.StructuredDefaultDict(layers, type=<class 'object'>, args_munger=<function _default_args_munger>, kwargs_munger=<function _default_kwargs_munger>)[source]

A defaultdict-like class that expects values stored at a specific depth.

Requires an integer to tell it how many layers deep to go. The innermost layer will be PickyDefaultDict, which will take the type, args_munger, and kwargs_munger arguments supplied to my constructor.

class allegedb.cache.TurnDict(data=None)[source]

alias of FuturistWindowDict


allegedb’s special implementations of the NetworkX graph objects

class allegedb.graph.AbstractEntityMapping[source]
class allegedb.graph.AbstractSuccessors(container, orig)[source]

Delete every edge with origin at my orig


attrgetter(attr, …) –> attrgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand. After f = attrgetter(‘name’), the call f(r) returns After g = attrgetter(‘name’, ‘date’), the call g(r) returns (, After h = attrgetter(‘name.first’, ‘name.last’), the call h(r) returns (,

class allegedb.graph.AllegedGraph(db, name, data=None, **attr)[source]

Class giving the graphs those methods they share in common.


Remove all nodes and edges from the graph.

Unlike the regular networkx implementation, this does not remove the graph’s name. But all the other graph, node, and edge attributes go away.


alias of GraphMapping


alias of GraphNodeMapping

class allegedb.graph.AllegedMapping[source]

Common amenities for mappings


Delete everything


Arrange to call this function whenever something changes here.

The arguments will be this object, the key changed, and the value set.


No longer call the function when something changes here.

send(sender, **kwargs)[source]

Internal. Call connected functions.

update(other, **kwargs)[source]

Version of update that doesn’t clobber the database so much

class allegedb.graph.DiGraph(db, name, data=None, **attr)[source]

A version of the networkx.DiGraph class that stores its state in a database.

add_edge(u, v, attr_dict=None, **attr)[source]

Version of add_edge that only writes to the database once

add_edges_from(ebunch, attr_dict=None, **attr)[source]

Version of add_edges_from that only writes to the database once


alias of DiGraphSuccessorsMapping


alias of DiGraphPredecessorsMapping

remove_edge(u, v)[source]

Version of remove_edge that’s much like normal networkx but only deletes once, since the database doesn’t keep separate adj and succ mappings


Version of remove_edges_from that’s much like normal networkx but only deletes once, since the database doesn’t keep separate adj and succ mappings

class allegedb.graph.DiGraphPredecessorsMapping(graph)[source]

Mapping for Predecessors instances, which map to Edges that end at the dest provided to this

class Predecessors(container, dest)[source]

Mapping of Edges that end at a particular node

class allegedb.graph.DiGraphSuccessorsMapping(graph)[source]
class Successors(container, orig)[source]
class allegedb.graph.Edge(graph, orig, dest, idx=0)[source]

Mapping for edge attributes


attrgetter(attr, …) –> attrgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand. After f = attrgetter(‘name’), the call f(r) returns After g = attrgetter(‘name’, ‘date’), the call g(r) returns (, After h = attrgetter(‘name.first’, ‘name.last’), the call h(r) returns (,

exception allegedb.graph.EntityCollisionError[source]

For when there’s a discrepancy between the kind of entity you’re creating and the one by the same name

class allegedb.graph.Graph(db, name, data=None, **attr)[source]

A version of the networkx.Graph class that stores its state in a database.


alias of GraphSuccessorsMapping

class allegedb.graph.GraphEdgeMapping(graph)[source]

Provides an adjacency mapping and possibly a predecessor mapping for a graph.


attrgetter(attr, …) –> attrgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand. After f = attrgetter(‘name’), the call f(r) returns After g = attrgetter(‘name’, ‘date’), the call g(r) returns (, After h = attrgetter(‘name.first’, ‘name.last’), the call h(r) returns (,

class allegedb.graph.GraphMapping(graph)[source]

Mapping for graph attributes


Delete everything


attrgetter(attr, …) –> attrgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand. After f = attrgetter(‘name’), the call f(r) returns After g = attrgetter(‘name’, ‘date’), the call g(r) returns (, After h = attrgetter(‘name.first’, ‘name.last’), the call h(r) returns (,


Return a deep copy of myself as a dict, and unwrap any wrapper objects in me.

class allegedb.graph.GraphNodeMapping(graph)[source]

Mapping for nodes in a graph


attrgetter(attr, …) –> attrgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand. After f = attrgetter(‘name’), the call f(r) returns After g = attrgetter(‘name’, ‘date’), the call g(r) returns (, After h = attrgetter(‘name.first’, ‘name.last’), the call h(r) returns (,

class allegedb.graph.GraphSuccessorsMapping(graph)[source]

Mapping for Successors (itself a MutableMapping)

class Successors(container, orig)[source]
class allegedb.graph.MultiDiGraph(db, name, data=None, **attr)[source]

A version of the networkx.MultiDiGraph class that stores its state in a database.

add_edge(u, v, key=None, attr_dict=None, **attr)[source]

Version of add_edge that only writes to the database once.


alias of MultiDiGraphSuccessorsMapping


alias of MultiDiGraphPredecessorsMapping

remove_edge(u, v, key=None)[source]

Version of remove_edge that’s much like normal networkx but only deletes once, since the database doesn’t keep separate adj and succ mappings


Version of remove_edges_from that’s much like normal networkx but only deletes once, since the database doesn’t keep separate adj and succ mappings

class allegedb.graph.MultiDiGraphPredecessorsMapping(graph)[source]

Version of DiGraphPredecessorsMapping for multigraphs

class Predecessors(container, dest)[source]

Predecessor edges from a given node

class allegedb.graph.MultiDiGraphSuccessorsMapping(graph)[source]
class Successors(container, orig)[source]
class allegedb.graph.MultiEdges(graph, orig, dest)[source]

Mapping of Edges between two nodes


Delete all edges between these nodes


attrgetter(attr, …) –> attrgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand. After f = attrgetter(‘name’), the call f(r) returns After g = attrgetter(‘name’, ‘date’), the call g(r) returns (, After h = attrgetter(‘name.first’, ‘name.last’), the call h(r) returns (,

class allegedb.graph.MultiGraph(db, name, data=None, **attr)[source]

A version of the networkx.MultiGraph class that stores its state in a database.


alias of MultiGraphSuccessorsMapping

class allegedb.graph.MultiGraphSuccessorsMapping(graph)[source]

Mapping of Successors that map to MultiEdges

class Successors(container, orig)[source]

Edges succeeding a given node in a multigraph

class allegedb.graph.Node(graph, node)[source]

Mapping for node attributes


attrgetter(attr, …) –> attrgetter object

Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand. After f = attrgetter(‘name’), the call f(r) returns After g = attrgetter(‘name’, ‘date’), the call g(r) returns (, After h = attrgetter(‘name.first’, ‘name.last’), the call h(r) returns (,

allegedb.graph.convert_to_networkx_graph(data, create_using=None, multigraph_input=False)[source]

Convert an AllegedGraph to the corresponding NetworkX graph type.


An easy way to make an alias


Wrapper to run SQL queries in a lightly abstracted way, such that code that’s more to do with the queries than with the data per se doesn’t pollute the other files so much.

class allegedb.query.GlobalKeyValueStore(qe)[source]

A dict-like object that keeps its contents in a table.

Mostly this is for holding the current branch and revision.

class allegedb.query.QueryEngine(dbstring, connect_args, alchemy, pack=None, unpack=None)[source]

Wrapper around either a DBAPI2.0 connection or an Alchemist. Provides methods to run queries using either.


Return all the branch data in tuples of (branch, parent, parent_turn).


Commit the transaction, then close the connection


Commit the transaction


Delete all records to do with the graph

edge_val_del(graph, orig, dest, idx, key, branch, turn, tick)[source]

Declare that the key no longer applies to this edge, as of this branch and revision.


Yield the entire contents of the edge_val table.

edge_val_set(graph, orig, dest, idx, key, branch, turn, tick, value)[source]

Set this key of this edge to this value.


Dump the entire contents of the edges table.

exist_edge(graph, orig, dest, idx, branch, turn, tick, extant)[source]

Declare whether or not this edge exists.

exist_node(graph, node, branch, turn, tick, extant)[source]

Declare that the node exists or doesn’t.

Inserts a new record or updates an old one, as needed.


Put all pending changes into the SQL transaction.


Delete the global record for the key.


Return the value for the given key in the globals table.


Iterate over (key, value) pairs in the globals table.

global_set(key, value)[source]

Set key to value globally (not at any particular branch or revision)


What type of graph is this?

graph_val_del(graph, key, branch, turn, tick)[source]

Indicate that the key is unset.


Yield the entire contents of the graph_val table.


Return whether the branch thus named exists in the database.


Return whether I have a graph by this name.


Create tables and indices as needed.

new_branch(branch, parent, parent_turn, parent_tick)[source]

Declare that the branch is descended from parent at parent_turn, parent_tick

new_graph(graph, typ)[source]

Declare a new graph by this name of this type.

node_val_del(graph, node, key, branch, turn, tick)[source]

Delete a key from a node at a specific branch and revision


Yield the entire contents of the node_val table.

node_val_set(graph, node, key, branch, turn, tick, value)[source]

Set a key-value pair on a node at a specific branch and revision


Dump the entire contents of the nodes table.

sql(stringname, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for the various prewritten or compiled SQL calls.

First argument is the name of the query, either a key in sqlite.json or a method name in allegedb.alchemy.Alchemist. The rest of the arguments are parameters to the query.

sqlmany(stringname, *args)[source]

Wrapper for executing many SQL calls on my connection.

First arg is the name of a query, either a key in the precompiled JSON or a method name in allegedb.alchemy.Alchemist. Remaining arguments should be tuples of argument sequences to be passed to the query.

exception allegedb.query.TimeError[source]

Exception class for problems with the time model


Wrapper classes to let you store mutable data types in the allegedb ORM

class allegedb.wrap.DictWrapper(getter, setter, outer, key)[source]

A dictionary synchronized with a serialized field.

This is meant to be used in allegedb entities (graph, node, or edge), for when the user stores a dictionary in them.

class allegedb.wrap.ListWrapper(getter, setter, outer, key)[source]

A list synchronized with a serialized field.

This is meant to be used in allegedb entities (graph, node, or edge), for when the user stores a list in them.


S.append(value) – append value to the end of the sequence

insert(i, v)[source]

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index


Return a deep copy of myself as a list, and unwrap any wrapper objects in me.

class allegedb.wrap.MutableMappingWrapper[source]

Return a deep copy of myself as a dict, and unwrap any wrapper objects in me.

class allegedb.wrap.MutableSequenceWrapper[source]

Return a deep copy of myself as a list, and unwrap any wrapper objects in me.

class allegedb.wrap.MutableWrapper[source]
class allegedb.wrap.MutableWrapperDictList[source]
class allegedb.wrap.MutableWrapperSet[source]

Add an element.


Remove an element. Do not raise an exception if absent.


Return the popped value. Raise KeyError if empty.


Remove an element. If not a member, raise a KeyError.


Return a deep copy of myself as a set, and unwrap any wrapper objects in me.

class allegedb.wrap.SetWrapper(getter, setter, outer, key)[source]

A set synchronized with a serialized field.

This is meant to be used in allegedb entities (graph, node, or edge), for when the user stores a set in them.

class allegedb.wrap.SubDictWrapper(getter, setter)[source]
class allegedb.wrap.SubListWrapper(getter, setter)[source]

S.append(value) – append value to the end of the sequence

insert(index, object)[source]

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index

class allegedb.wrap.SubSetWrapper(getter, setter)[source]
class allegedb.wrap.UnwrappingDict[source]

Dict that stores the data from the wrapper classes but won’t store those objects themselves.